This book assesses the Israeli response to the Hamas attack of October 7 from the perspective of international law and morality, as well as providing informed accounts of the inability of the UN to implement the demands of a permanent and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. It also provides accounts of the implementation of forced evacuation, induced starvation and disease, efforts calculated to destroy the civilian population in whole or in part, Israel’s defiance of the UN, the ICJ Interim Order, and international humanitarian law in the course of transparent violations of the Genocide Convention. At a time when neither governments nor international institutions are demonstrating either the will or the capability to act in accord with the rule of law or the popular will of the majority of the peoples of the world who have demonstrated against the genocide in their millions, these substantial essays give an overview of the extraordinary damage wrought and what can and should be done to protect Palestinian rights and construct a future that empowers Palestinians to give content to their right of self-determination rather than victimized by yet another effort to impose a solution from without or enable Israel to control the day after developments when the violence stops.

Saving the innocent is
Saving the humanity